This Crib barn was on the Sanders farm in Hurley, MO. It was donated to us by Terry North. The barn is typical of the barns built in the Ozarks in the nineteenth century. When the barn was donated, the Sea Bees dismantled it and moved all the usable wood. Then Jeff Dykeman started the reconstruction, but the work called for more hands. A group of Amish workers from the Marshfield, MO area were hired to finish the building in the summer of 1991.
This barn has two unchinked log cribs to hold corn, hay, or feed. Having the logs unchinked provides ventilation and prevents self-combustion. The center of the barn is open at both ends, creating a breezeway so a wagon can drive through and unload the crops into the cribs both up high and down low. Our barn has six cribs. Two are in the center for crops and the other four are to be used for storage, livestock, and a workshop.