We are grateful for our wonderful buildings and our pavilion. The Memorial Brick Walk was added a few years back to recognize anyone who supports the preservation of history. These bricks can be purchased as a memorial, to honor someone, or to support the farmstead. Bricks are $50 each.
Each brick is 4″x 8″ and will hold 3 lines of 15 characters. Any letter, number, or symbol is considered one character and will occupy one space. All text will be centered unless otherwise noted. Engraving will be in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

To purchase a brick for yourself, or to honor a loved one, complete the form below (hard copy forms are available at the Botanical Center or the Farmstead). A paper copy or online form must be completed for each brick requested, however, one payment can be made for all of the bricks either by check or through online payment. Once you have completed the form you can mail your check ($50 per brick) payable to Gray/Campbell Farmstead to
Friends of the Gray/Campbell Farmstead
Treasurer Joan Shields
2400 S. Scenic Ave
Springfield, MO 65807
Click the button to make an online payment. Once the form is submitted and payment is received you will be contacted for confirmation. Then the brick will be engraved and placed on the walkway.