
The Gray/Campbell Farmstead is committed to sharing our history and providing opportunities for our guests to experience life on an 1860s prairie farm. Our docents host unique hands-on learning experiences for school groups and others upon request.

Fifth Grade Field Trip

Our full-day field trip is designed for fifth-grade students. This program is primarily scheduled through schools, but home-school groups (aged 10 and older) and older students can also participate. Students are immersed in hands-on activities that support many history and science curricula.

Basic Field Trip Information

  • Field trips are Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in April-May and September-October
  • Groups are limited to 32 students with a minimum of 10
  • Suggested to have at least 4 chaperones (minimum of 2 chaperones)
  • There is a $2.00 per student fee, chaperones are free
  • Students need to be in four groups- name tags are greatly appreciated
  • The program begins at 9:30 am and concludes at 1:00 pm
  • Students will need to bring a sack lunch
  • Guests will need to dress appropriately for the weather and wear closed-toed shoes

Click here for an example itinerary.

Group Tours

Group tours can be scheduled as field trips, building tours, or customized to fit your group. These tours are dependent on volunteer availability.

Click the Schedule button to complete a Field Trip or Tour request. Our Tour Coordinator will contact you. Payment invoices will be sent through email.

Tips for A Successful Visit

Preparing students for a visit to the Farmstead can make a big difference in how much they gain from the trip. Below you will find some example lesson plans for before the trip, some tips for the day of the field trip, and some follow-up lessons once the trip is completed.

Pre-visit Activities

Tips for Day of Field Trip

  • Have students divided into four group
  • Have a chaperone for each group
  • Nametags for students
  • Remind students to dress appropriately for the weather with closed toed-shoes
  • Communicate with GCF Docents if arrival time changes
  • Students should use the restroom before arriving

Follow-Up Activities

Each student will be provided a Follow-UP packet from the farmstead. This packet included an Event Calendar, a recipe for Ginger Cookies, and Directions for building a cardstock model of the Gray/Campbell House. Writing Thank-you notes to the docents is also appreciated.